Sunday, 1 August 2010


Now, everyone knows I have problems with facebook as my friends kept being deleted. At first I thought it was a bug, but then no. It points otherwise. I believe it has been hacked from someone I knew.

1) My friends are not deleted randomly nor the newest added. It specifically targeted yishun junior college friends.
Argument : But there could be a facebook bug that deleted people from your 'list' what.
Answer : I purposely left out some YJC people from the 'YJC list' and guess what? DELETED.

2) I changed my password numerous times and whenever it was resetted, for sure my friends were deleted.
Argument : But how can someone know your new password?
Answer : Both my hotmail and facebook account share the same password initially. I only changed the fb's password. It is possible that someone reported that I lost my fb password and reset it from my email, hence why it always changes back to the original password.

3) I noted the pattern and kept track of who was deleted, it always happen to be common friends with the hacker.
Argument : But, is all your common friends deleted? She left out some this time right?
Answer : There was once all our common friends were deleted, but I persistently added people back, numerous times in fact. And slowly, my classmates were left alone and other class people who frequented my fb occassionally were left alone. Now, it's only people who do not know the truth about her who were deleted.

4) I'm sure it's a person not a bug unless it can log off your account, resets your password and delete specific friends.
Argument : Can you substantiate that?
Answer : I own an iPhone and some of my apps require me to log in onto facebook. It does not log out by itself even if I log in on a computer. But everytime it logs out, it tells me to log in again and when I type in my new password, it shows invalid password and when I try my old password, VOILA! I'm sure to see a bout of deleted friends AGAIN.

5) The hacker has my password to both my facebook and email and I remember saying that both passwords were the same.

Argument : But how come you're so sure she remembered it?

Answer : We joke once or twice about my password and thus she would have remembered it definitely.

People would question me about her motives behind those actions and I would say 'immature, insecure and insanely jealous'.

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