1. Says that she studied primary school in FRANCE.
(However, failed to mention which school + has no french friends in her facebook account. Did I mention she cannot SPEAK a word of french? *I know cause I tested*)
2. Claimed to take third language (french) in secondary school.
(As Singaporeans, we know that only students in Special Stream are allowed to take thind language. She is from Normal Academic (NA) Stream. I even pretended to be a parent and called her school to see if special arrangements could be made for my child who is half-french. Results is: CANNOT!)
3. Stated that she took PRIVATE O'Levels pure physics and gotten an 'A1'. Went on to bitch about YJC not allowing her to enter into the science stream.
(I've checked MOE websites. & surprisingly, I found out that you cannot be a private student while registered as a school student in the same year. &, YJC would definitely accept her if her pure physics really have gotten an 'A1' that she's not even qualified to take in the first place. Just admit it, your results *COMBINED SCIENCE* failed to meet the requirements. )
(Bring gramps out with friends? LOL. Did I mention that the roller coaster was never opened? So she sat on an imaginary one. Besides, people who have REALLY been there told me that the age limit for the roller coaster ride is 60.)
1. Owns a bungalow in Botanic Gardens but family does not live there, only 2 maids.
(Got bungalow don't want to stay, go live in some HDB flats from a secluded district? Botanic Gardens should be somewhere near Orchard which is so much nearer to our school. Maybe she enjoys travelling to as far as Bukit Panjang.)
2. Apparently, she says that the HDB flat she is living in now is actually 4 flats combined together! 2 units on the upper floor plus 2 units on the lower floor. Claimed to have staircase somemore due to the collapse of ceiling so construct one.
(Singapore law states that the maximum no. of flats allowed to combine together is 2. Furthermore, a Singaporean family is only allowed to own 1 flat.)
(Friends & I decided to text her again and told her about what I mentioned above. Now she says that is only 2 flats combined together. But, she clearly mentioned to NUMEROUS people that it was 4 in the first place. Outright lie.)
(I went on overseas trip with her and she holds a SINGAPOREAN passport. How to claim school subsidy if she is not a Singaporean? She also holds a Pink IC & student concession pass.)
2. Owns DOUBLE PASSPORTS, Australian & Singaporean.
(Not going to say much, maybe she is a secret spy agent from Bourne Ultimatum or some movie.)
*Any similarities between this post to any person is simply purely coincidental (:
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