Wednesday 1 July 2009


Second day of induction week, heading off to Phasel Woods near Kings Langley for stuff like team-bonding games, pot-holing, rock climbing and loads of obstacle courses with school people.

Before boarding the bus, sitting at grasspatch outside school (:

Team-bonding games :

In a team with, Sana, Husnain, Iram, Clan and others. Totally beat the other team in every single challenge we had except tug-o-war. They had more people. But it was really really fun.


It's a really small tunnel underground that you will literally have to crawl on your bellies and stuff. Pitch black and everything, and ALOT of mud. Hate it.

Obstacle courses:

Had to go through alot of obstacles, mainly balancing ones and crawling under ropes etc. I couldn't and wouldn't do most of it. However, we were made to pair-up afterwards(mostly a boy and a girl). Paired up with Ashley only to realise that he is supposed to guide me through the entire obstacle course without touching me(only giving verbal help) while I'm BLINDFOLDED! I managed to complete it though which is weird. I couldn't do it with my eyes open but I could do it with my eyes closed. Ashley got it harder. He was blindfolded afterwards and had to carry a cup of water while doing it.

Whenever water is involved, people get wet. I was caught in between a water assault between Husnain and Ashley, landing myself half wet! Clan got me wetter though, by hugging me.


Didn't manage to get to the top but at least I tried my hardest. haha. Managed to catch a shot of Sana's arse while she was busy reaching for the top.

Lastly, my sunburnt feet with a weird pattern on it because of my sandals!

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