Saturday 4 July 2009


At first it was just loud noises, I didn't take notice of it much. Then I heard shouting and my uncle's cries of pain. It escalated to quarrels and I could hear my name clearly. My aunt had accused me of breaking up and ruining the family,and she was punching my uncle, slamming things and yelling at her top of her voice 'I feel like beating people up'. All because I wore shorts to school today(encouraged by school because we had loads of activities).

I stood at a corner sobbing hysterically, my uncle was nice. He stood by me. I felt cheated, utterly let down. All the talks of compromise saying I could wear shorts once in awhile outside but try to keep it minimal are lies. I did as what I was told, I only wore it outside twice in 3 weeks. Her reason was it attracted the wrong kind of attention.

Perverts, rapists, paedophiles don't target their victims based on shorts(I was wearing normal shorts, not the obscene show-half-an-arse type). Old women aged 80 are raped in their homes, kids were raped as young as 4, women in middle eastern countries get raped too. Were they all wearing shorts ? NO! Islamic women in middleeastern countries wear long tunics, covering every single part of their body except the eyes and they do get cases of sexual assaults too. So it is absolutely ridiculous to say that all women in shorts (school shorts, casual shorts, shorts above the knee) automatically attract attention.

Another reason she gave while screaming is that she didn't like it. She didn't like me wetting the bathroom floor so I squeeze myself against the wall when I bathe. She didn't like me sniffing my nose, I try my hardest not to even when I'm having a flu. She didn't like partying or sleepovers so I gave my word that I will keep it to the minimal. She didn't like me spending money on food outside so I agreed to take packed lunches(made by myself). It's dictatorship. I don't feel like I'm being treated or respected at all as a human being. I'm oppressed in every single thing I do. She only thought of what she likes and dislikes. She has never considered my feelings or my likings at all. I like wearing what I wear and I know my limits of what to wear. How would she feel if I say I don't like gardening and I forbade her to do it(although she loves it)?

I wonder if she felt just because I live under her roof for free, she has the authority to exert full control over me, knowing that if I get thrown out of the house, I won't have the ability to survive? That's called bullying.

I've made up my mind, if ever possible, I will not and would not choose to live with a maniacpsychotic bitch like her. Her tantrums are unpredictable and without warnings.

p.s , I'm banned from wearing anything above the knee inside and outside of the house. God bless.

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