Monday 23 November 2009


Been thinking lately. I was wondering if I did make a correct decision by forsaking the overseas education. Everytime I see a person getting to/off school and everytime I hear someone talking about school, I just sit there and stone, thinking of why am I stranded with no school and possibly, none in future. Sometimes, it hurts so much it sucks. Even my mum is taking up a course still at her age.

I do blame myself for times, for not having the courage to start anew, for not having the perseverance to endure and perhaps afraid that something might screw up again with processes.

Despite reassuring myself that I made the correct decision, seeing I kept my family, friends , boyfriend and familiarity : I can't help feeling a little regretful. I would never be able to be a veterinarian.

Life sucks a little currently but I can't have the best of both worlds, right?

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