Wednesday 18 November 2009


Met up with Jamie and went to yuqian's house. Jamie curled my hair, did my make-up and everything was perfect till the lipstick part. I look like a tranny seriously, Dino did pacify me however, by telling me I have the 'lao ban niang' look.

Met up with bf later and 5 of us went to eat steamboat at Bugis. Thank god it wasn't tiantian. Tiantian is just so overrated and they seldom refill crabs which sucks cause I'm a crab person. We ate like TONS of food. I bet Dino felt helpless as the rest of us continued binge-eating when he was full. LMAO, he eats sooooo little! Need training sessions with us more often.

Caught a midnight movie afterwards at The Cathay. Paranormal activity was not bad, really spooked cause they have so much spooky scenes. & DINO SCREAMED(shouted)! which was funny.

*Jamie is really really good at curling hair and eye meke-up.

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